Litvínov, 26 th September 2011 – Three companies of the Unipetrol Group were successfully awarded right to use the Responsible Care certificate. The certificate was readmitted by the Association of Chemical Industry of the Czech Republic. Therefore Unipetrol, Unipetrol RPA and Unipetrol Doprava may use the Responsible Care logo for the next two yeas. The certificate can be also used by Česká rafinérská and Paramo.
“Among the top priorities of the Unipetrol Group are development, production and transport of products with the minimum risk of adverse impact on human health and the environment. Therefore, we have a long-term commitment to the worldwide Responsible Care program. Just in the period 2006-2010 we have invested almost CZK 2.4 billion into environmental protection“ said the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Unipetrol, Piotr Chełmiński.
The company intends to continue the investments in the future. “ The total costs of the currently ongoing turnaround shutdown in Chempark Záluží is estimated for over CZK 1 billion,“ adds Piotr Chełmiński. Effects of these investments will also include energy saving during the production, resulting in decreasing the emissions released into the atmosphere.
The mother company, Unipetrol, obtained the Responsible Care certificate for the first time in 2000 and then defended it successfully in 2003, 2005 and 2007. Unipetrol RPA received it this year for the seventh time (starting with 1996, still as Chemopetrol), Paramo and Česká rafinérská for the fifth. It is the first certificate for Unipetrol Doprava.
About the Responsible Care program
The Responsible Care program is a voluntary, worldwide initiative adopted by the chemical industry. Intended to support its sustainable development by increasing the safety of its installations, products transport, by improving the protection of people health and of the environment. The program constitutes long-term strategy coordinated by the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) and in Europe by the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC). The contribution of the Responsible Care program towards sustainable development was appreciated at the world summit in Johannesburg where it was recognised by the United Nations Environmental Programme.
The national version of the Responsible Care program is Odpovědné podnikání v chemii. The Czech version of the program was officially announced in October 1994 by the Minister of Industry and Trade and the chairman of the Association of Chemical Industry of the Czech Republic; since 2008 the program meets the conditions of a Responsible Care Global Charity.
UNIPETROL, a group of companies operating in the petrochemical industry in the Czech Republic. In 2005 UNIPETROL became a part of the PKN ORLEN Group, the largest oil processor in Central Europe. The UNIPETROL Group is oriented mostly towards oil processing, fuel distribution and petrochemical production. In all of these business areas the UNIPETROL Group is among the key players both in the Czech Republic and on the Central European market. The Group ranks among the leading firms in the Czech Republic in terms of its revenues, and employs almost 4,000 people.
Mikuláš Duda
Press Department Manager
Telephone: +420 225 001 407, +420 736 502 520