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Unipetrol Awards Scholarships to Students from Educational Centre in Most-Velebudice


Ten scholars win awards for outstanding study. Unipetrol also extends assistance to students from socially unprivileged families.

Most, 19 October 2010 – Representatives of Unipetrol a.s., joined the Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague (VŠCHT Praha), to present ten awards for the “excellent results in study” at the VŠCHT Educational and Study Centre in Most – Velebudice as well as four special scholarships to students from socially unprivileged families. In addition, one Unipetrol award, was granted for the best dissertation.

“It is our strategy to support young talented chemists – therefore we have been involved in our long-term cooperation with VŠCHT; and its branch in Most. We see it as our duty to encourage expansion of education and standards of erudition in the region where we work”, said Mr Piotr Chelminski, CEO and Chairman of the Board of the Unipetrol Group. Chemistry represents a very demanding field of study, and when some students manage to study successfully, even under difficult social conditions, it is both admirable and deserves our help.

“Each company requires knowledgeable and motivated employees in order to succeed and grow. The chemical industry is no exception to this rule. VŠCHT represents one of the most significant sources of young experts for us,” Mr Chelminski explained. The companies belonging to the Unipetrol Group employ a large number of graduates from the Institute of Chemical Technology. Also several people belonging to the group management obtained an academic degree from VŠCHT in Prague, among them are: Mr Milan Kuncíř, CEO of Paramo, Mr Radomír Věk, Production Director of Unipetrol RPA, and Mr Václav Loula, Quality Manager at Benzina, who is widely recognised as an expert in the area of manufacturing and qualities of motor fuels.

Each year the Unipetrol Awards are being presented to the best and brightest students at the EC Most–Velebudice. This year’s Unipetrol social stipends are designed to help those students who have been facing economic difficulties, so that they can cope financially with their chemistry studies. This strategic cooperating between Unipetrol and VŠCHT has lasted since 2002.

UNIPETROL, a.s.controls companies operating in the petrochemical industry in the Czech Republic. In 2005 Unipetrol became a part of the PKN ORLEN Group, the largest crude oil processor in Central Europe. The Unipetrol Group is oriented mostly towards oil processing, fuel distribution and petrochemical production. In all of these business areas the Unipetrol Group is among the key players both in the Czech Republic and on the Central European market. The Group ranks among the leading firms in the Czech Republic in terms of its revenues, and employs almost 4,000 people.

Blanka Růžičková
Spokesperson for Unipetrol, a.s.
Telephone: +420 225 001 407, +420 731 881 111

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