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New websites for the Unipetrol Group companies


New websites have brought several improvements for regular users and new visitors alike. Thanks to closer ties with the websites of the other PKN Orlen companies, the entire Group will be able to reach many more people with its offer of products and services.

Prague, 15 th April 2009 – From this month onward Unipetrol will present its products and services on new websites. The upgraded sites of Unipetrol, Unipetrol RPA, Unipetrol Doprava, Unipetrol Services, Paramo and Unipetrol Trade have been created in cooperation with the holding company PKN Orlen. All companies in the Orlen group were involved in this extensive project to standardise websites.

The new websites have a uniform style, are more user friendly and able to be updated faster. New features also include on-line graphs mapping out share prices, possibilities to comment on articles, use of an interactive calendar and the chance to receive newsletters. The closer interconnection between the aforementioned websites the Unipetrol group and the PKN Orlen companies, including Polish companies and also the Lithuanian Mažeikiu Nafta refinery with its Baltic branches, has broadened the possibilities to present products and services by a considerable amount.

"Harmonisation and a combined offer of products mark a considerable shift forward. The new interlinking of the sites, for example between Paramo and Orlen Oil, helps all these companies address more potential clients. Higher visitor figures on individual sites can also be achieved by making sure these meet the requirements of accessible websites after innovation, which creates the conditions for a better position (when displayed) in browsers,” says M.Tuček from the Corporate Communication Department at Unipetrol Services. The Department, which coordinates this project and plays the greatest part in its completion, continues to deal with the administration of the Unipetrol website and is responsible for its onward development.

To stay informed about the latest news from any company of the Unipetrol Group, sign up for the newsletter service. Updates and notices, in Czech or English, will be sent to your email address once you have registered on the company’s website.

UNIPETROL, a.s. is a group of companies operating in the petrochemical industry in the Czech Republic. In 2005 UNIPETROL became a part of the PKN ORLEN Group, the largest oil processor in Central Europe. The UNIPETROL Group is oriented mostly towards oil processing, fuel distribution and petrochemical production. In all of these business areas the UNIPETROL Group is among the key players both in the Czech Republic and on the Central European market. The Group ranks among the leading firms in the Czech Republic in terms of its revenues, and employs more than 4,000 people.


Blanka Růžičková
Telephone: +420 225 001 407, +420 731 881 111

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